My Financial Future | Tour Video

With a passion for developing personalized financial strategies, we’ve created an effective and easy to use tool for financial advisors, planners, investment managers and their clients.

Here are the most important features that allows you to guide your clients better:


It’s easy to set-up your account, run scenarios with the client without worrying that you missed something. Client Dashboard provides a quick summary for six key financial areas and their current status.


Every client’s financial needs and goals are unique and with My Financial Future, you can build a customized solution for each client.


We offer a secure online access for clients increases their engagement between meetings and provides an efficient, tailored experience for them.


Track client’s financial performance over time in a clear understandable way. Demonstrate the value of advice through easy to understand graphs and charts that show wealth building over time.


We treat the security of your data very seriously. We have applied industry standard practices for data security and use of the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Encryption for all information transmitted.


Have a question? E-mail or call our toll free support line 1-855-434-6263. Want to see improvements? Send us your feedback. We’d love to add features that you think would enhance the client experience.

My Financial Future helps you create a personalized financial plan for each of your clients that is efficient and informative.

Get started today with a 30-day free trial, and help your clients focus on what’s important.